- + 255 710 489 834
- sales@kilitekafrica.co.tz
Pre-treatment plays a very important role in efficient and safe operation of the purified water generation system. The pre-treatment is designed with highest care using conservative design approach. The raw water pre-treatment units are modular and designed according to incoming water characteristics.
Typically the raw water pre-treatment units include media filtration, softening and Ultra Filtration Unit as standard feature. These compact and modular Pre-Treatment Systems are engineered for robust performance ensuring maximum availability even for most demanding applications: The Pre-Treatment Systems are built to meet any capacity requirement.
Typically the pre-treatment also includes a Softener for removing monovalent cations causing hardness to ensure scale free plant operation. We use uniform particle size resin which gives highest regeneration efficiency and lowest hardness in outlet water quality. AS a standard feature all Softening plants are supplied with manual mode of operation, however, on request we can supply Softening plants with Automatic mode of operation also.
Kilitek DM Plants are used in combination with UV and UF for Generation of High Purity Water for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Semi-Conductor, Cosmetic and Food & Beverages Industry. The typical pre- treatrment is filtration and DM Plant consists of a Two Bed System followed by a CATPOL or MB Polisher. The plants are built using FRP housing and UPVC valves and piping system. The DM plants are designed for achieving highest treated water quality with lowest consumption of chermicals for regeneration.
The DM Plant based systems are custom built for any capacity and come with option of fully automatic or manual plant operation. Resins for this are carefully selected to meet the application requirements.
The post DM UF system are built using Hollow Fine Fiber membrane of less than 10 KD MWCO for microbiál and TOC rejection to achieve the treated water quality complying USFDA, MHRA, WHO, EU & other International pharmacopeias and standards. The UF system is hot water Sanitisable up to 85 DegC.

Ultrafiltration in the pre-treatment ensures a consistent RO Feed water quality of SDI less than 3.0. This minimises the fouling of RO by particulates and other suspended impurities. The UF used is hollow fine fibre constructed of either PVDF or modified PES to achieve a very high quality of the filtrate. Typically we adopt a conservative approach in UF design to ensure a long trouble free operation. An important feature of our UF is provision of online UF membrane integrity test facility which warns of UF fibre breakage if any. All UF Plants are fully automatic.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant is designed to removes contaminants like sediment and chlorine from water with a prefilter before it forces water through a semi permeable membrane to remove dissolved solids. Water flows from the more concentrated side (more contaminants) of the RO membrane to the less concentrated side (fewer contaminants) to provide clean drinking water. After water exits the RO membrane, it passes through a post filter to polish the drinking water before it enters a dedicated faucet. The fresh water produced is called the permeate. The Concentrated water left over is called the waste or brine. A semi permeable menmbrane has small pores that block contaminants but allow water molecules to flow through. In osmosis, water becomes more concentrated as it passes through the membrane to obtain equilibrium on both sides. Reverse osmosis, however, blocks contaminants from entering the less concentrated side of the membrane. For example, when pressure is applied to a volume of saltwater during reverse osmosis, the salt is left behind and only clean water flow through
Effluent treatment plant, also known ETP is a waste water treatment process (WWTP) that is used to treat waste water. It’s mostly used in industries like pharmaceuticals, textiles, and chemicals where extreme water contamination is a possibility. Effluent Treatment Plant palyers a significant role in the treatment of industrial waste water as well as domestic sewage. Organic matter, inorganic matter, heavy metals, oil & grease, suspended particles, and other contaminants are treated in the wastewater treatment process of an ETP plant. Chemical treatment, biological treatment, a combination of chemical and biological treatment and thermal treatment are the several types of wastewater treatment plants. The conceptual approach of the treatment includes the removal of suspended particles, dissolved organic matters and handling of sludge for disposal. The effluent treatment has involves different processes like EQUALISATION, pH CONTROL, COAGULATION, SEDIMENTATION, FILTRATION, DISINFECTION AND SLUDGE DRYING etc.

A Sewage treatment plant, also known as STP is designed for treating the wastewater which is generated from Houses, Commercial Building, Colony, Apartments, or Industries. The main objective of sewage treatment is to produce an effluent (treated waste water) and a solid waste/sludge suitable for dischage into the natural environment. The major focus of treatment is on to removes contaminants, micro-organisms and other types of pollutants from the wasterwater influent which are harmful to the environment. In final, treated water quality is good enough for reusability (eg. farming, toilets, garden, cleaning) or to disharge into the rivers, ponds & other natural sources without any harm. The sewage treatment plant (STP) which involves three stages, primary/preliminary, secondary and tertiary.
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